This site was actively used over the period 2009-2011 as the website for the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SERTA), which was created by the Wisconsin State Legislature and Governor in the 2009-2011 Wisconsin State budget to oversee the development of a KRM commuter rail service. In June 2011, the State Legislature and Governor repealed the State law creating SERTA, requiring SERTA to dissolve in September 2011. As such, links within the site relating to submittal of comments and questions, and sign-up for email updates have been de-activated.


Statutory Responsibilities

The SERTA legislation was set forth in Section 59.58(7) of State Statutes. In summary, SERTA was provided the following responsibilities:

  • Authority to construct, operate, and manage a KRM commuter rail line
  • Authority to enact up to an $18 vehicle rental fee per transaction (indexed to inflation) in Kenosha, Milwaukee, and Racine Counties
    • Up to $2 of fee may be used for administrative expenses
  • Authority to use remaining balance of funds from the former “temporary” and “limited authority” Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Transit Authority to assist in KRM commuter rail planning
  • Authority to issue up to $50 million in bonds to provide the local share of funds necessary to initiate KRM commuter rail service
  • Kenosha and Racine County transit operators are required to provide their annual and long-term transit plans to SERTA as they become available

With the passage of the 2011-13 Wisconsin State Budget (2011 Wisconsin Act 32), which repealed Section 59.58(7) and required SERTA to dissolve, the statutory responsibilities of SERTA are eliminated effective September 28, 2011.